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Our Product

Everything we make is 100% manufactured in the USA and we stand firmly by our product.

Pyle Percussion is committed to providing the music community with the Best Quality, Greatest Value and the Assurance that our customers experience complete satisfaction with every purchase. 


All of our product is made of 100% welded steel with no flimsy cast metal parts. The unique design of each cart and stand allows us to use heavy duty steel while keeping the product light weight for easy transport. All component parts are assembled together with dependable nuts and bolts, not rivets or set screws. The completed product is covered with a black hard-enamel finish.


       -100% solid steel used in all our products

       - Hand welded by industry trained professionals

       - Purchase our boxes and other accessories within Phoenix which helps other local businesses


Everything is 100% manufactured in the USA and we stand firmly by our product. If there is ever an issue please call us and let us know. We will do everything we can to remedy the problem and make sure it doesn't happen again.

We appreciate your business and want to keep you as a valued customer.

Click a photo below to learn more.


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